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"Calliope" mother of Orpheus and Linus, consort of Apollo—is known as the chief muse for the ecstatic harmony of her voice.  It is she who presides over eloquence and epic poetry.

"Calliope" mother of Orpheus and Linus, consort of Apollo—is known as the chief muse for the ecstatic harmony of her voice.  It is she who presides over eloquence and epic poetry.

Calliope at Bon Service

June 5th, 2022, 7h30 pm
Bon Service - 22 St Paul East 
Montreal, QC H2Y 2A6
Ali Pinkney
Alegria Gobeil
Frankie Barnet
Pascale Bérubé
Frances Verdugo Lasch
Emilie Lafleur
Sarah Brunning 
Marie Ségolène